Aaliyah Love is going to use a strap on and fuck you today

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Today you’re going to get all you asked for with Aaliyah Love. You thought you knew what fun was but today you are going to have a different kind of fun. Someone is getting fucked today, don&... Read More#8217;t worry. Aaliyah is going to get you hot as she strips off her clothes for you. Aaliyah is in her favorite shiny purple dress and panties and black stockings. She wants your hand on your cock as she strips down and spreads her legs and shows you her shaved pussy. Aaliyah also wants you naked as she gets ready for today’s sex fun. Aaliyah straps on a dildo as she tells you to bend over and spread for her as she wants you to be the one that gets fucked today. Aaliyah shows off her cute titties and asks you look at her and get hard as she then describes what she is going to do to you. She is going to start off with some licking of your ass. She is going to use her wet fingers to touch your ass. She gets it ready for her to use that strap on and slip it in your ass. She wants you one hand on your cock and one helping spread your ass so she can slip that big cock in your ass. She wants to fuck you and she is going to explain how she wants you to jerk off for her and come in your hand for her so she can lick up every drop of your cum.
- 13:07
- December 15th, 2020
- 100
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