Adria Rae interview

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If you are a fan of Adria Rae, and I’m sure you are, we have a sweet surprise for you: an interview with her! Lucky for you, it was taken before a shooting, so she wears a sexy red lingerie a... Read Morend high heel shoes only. There are some very interesting questions that Adria answers to, questions that you maybe would have addressed her too. So, we invite you to enjoy this interview due to which you will find answers about when and how Adria’s career as a porn star started, which are the scenes that she is the most proud of and why, which are the main issues she had with this industry, which are her main goals regarding her career, what other job she would choose beside being a porn star, where Adria worked before being an adult model, how the boss treated her and more. She will also talk about where she can be found on social media for her fans. This interview is also a proof of how sweet, friendly and talkative person Adria is! She is so fun that she makes the woman who interview her to laugh all the time! She is such a sweatheart!
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