Alexa Mood And Alexis Exploring Each Other’s Bodies

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Both Alexa Mood and Alexis are old friends of ours. They’ve been on our set several times. But they’ve never performed in a lesbian movie for us, and they’ve never known each othe... Read Morer. This is their first time together, and we wanted to let them explore each other in intimate ways. They are both gorgeous, and they have similar bodies. It’s like we’re watching two sisters playing on our couch. They look so much alike that even their pussies are almost identical. And they have some of the most gorgeous and perfectly shaped pussies you’ll see. Both of them are so tight, they both have thin lips and perky little clits. You’ll get to see their pussies in many positions, as they will take time spreading them, fingering them, and licking them for the camera. You’ll also love the assholes of these two hot chicks. You’ll find it hard to believe there’s a seven-year difference between them. Alexa Mood was born in 2000, and Alexis was born in 1993. But they both look like pristine young ladies with perfectly shaped natural tits and delicious-looking holes. The only moment you’ll notice the age difference is when Alexis stands and Alexa kneels in front of her to eat her pussy. That’s when Alexis became more dominant and enjoyed being orally pleased by her younger friend. But she knew how to return the favor with a fingering session that made Alexa cum. This is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship between these two hotties. We can’t wait to have them again on our set together.
- 15:49
- August 21st, 2023
- 141
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