Alice Paradise shows off her pussy and ass in the shower

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This is our Alice Paradise and she is back again to please and tease. She came in today and said she had been a bad girl and had been out all night. By that we are pretty sure she meant that she ha... Read Mored spent the evening and the early hours of the morning in bed fucking. She sure smelled of hot sex when she walked in today. So she thought it would be fun to get in the shower and wash all of that off of her. She was hoping we could put the camera in the shower and film her as she played and got clean. We are always excited to try something new and are open to new ideas. We think it would be a great idea to see her clean herself and while she is at it, get off. A woman in the bath with the shower on might present some problems so we asked her to be careful with the water and not splash us but just get wet enough to clean all the dirty little parts of her body. What we meant was we wanted to watch her wash her hot ass and her pink pussy. Alice got in the shower wearing some kind of one piece outfit and it had a snap crotch. That right there was what we had hoped for, as we love to see a snapped crotch being unsnapped as the pussy is finally seen and explored. Alice is so sexy hot and one of our hot Russians that is so lean and slim and just a delight to watch get naked. We love any chance we have to see her in the studio cause she knows how to get us off with her grabbing and squeezing of her tits and ass. And she sure loves to show off her pussy and asshole. Enjoy the show!
- 17:01
- September 14th, 2022
- 104
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