Alice Paradise spreads open her legs and fingers her pussy for us today

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Alice Paradise is looking great today. She has on a sexy outfit that we really approve of. We get so many hot young ladies coming through our offices and we love to see what they choose to wear for... Read More their shoots. Alice wanted to wear something different than most and opted for an outfit she brought herself. She has long black stockings on and sexy high heels. She really wanted to show off those hot legs of hers. We also liked the black skirt and white top. It made us think of those dept store girl’s uniforms. She looked all business until she pulled off the top and showed us that black lace bra she had on underneath. She didn’t keep that on too long which was nice as she has some cute tits she pulled out for us. She really spent a lot of time on her nipples and she pinched and played with them to get herself warmed up. After she was ready, she stood up and turned around and pulled off her skirt and bent over right in front of the camera. What a view! She pulled her panties aside so we could get a look at her rear pussy and asshole. Alice is not shy and she gave us a good long look at what we wanted to see. She then sat down and spread her legs so she could go to work on her pussy. She was going to masturbate for us. We were very happy to hear her start to give out little moans as she got more and more warmed up as she played with her pussy. This was getting good as she pulled her panties down over her stockings, which she left on, and then she kneeled on the chair and bent over.. Go watch the full video so you can see what she did next.
- 16:40
- June 22nd, 2022
- 110
One comment for “Alice Paradise spreads open her legs and fingers her pussy for us today”
Alice is an absolute dream…and in this set her perfection comes fully to light!