Alice Sweet pleasures her ass and pussy with sex toys on Baberotica

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We call Alice Sweet our Pink Panther girl. She is so cute with that tat right in the middle of her tummy of our favorite cartoon character. There is no one smarter and more clever than the Pink Pan... Read Morether and that Alice Sweet has him right there on her tummy turns us on and lets us know that this girl is one smart babe. She also happens to be super cute and so fuckable. Alice is our tat girl, she has them all over and when she walks in the studio with her tats and her attitude, we are turned on! We are so happy she walked into our lives as she is sexy as all hell and we want her in our lives. Be happy we have more of her and you are going to be here for more of her. She always brings her dildos with her as well, She loves the sex toys! She loves to show off all her toys and she wants to show us how she uses each one of them. She brings her favorite butt plug today and she shows us how much she loves it when she slides in in her ass for us. That is lovely, to see Alice bend over over and show us the pleasure she gets when her butt plug is deep inside her ass. This of course does not completely satisfy Alice and she needs her other hold filled as well. She reaches over, sticks her dildo to the table and then slowly slides her pussy down to fill it up. She squats down and the whole dildo is enveloped by her hot pussy. She gets off for us but then I think she forgets we are there as she just closes her eyes, focuses on her pussy and gets going pleasuring herself.
- 17:10
- July 05th, 2021
- 82
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