American Porn Star Ms Emily Addison shows us her pink pussy up close

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Look who is back. This is our American Porn Star Ms Emily Addison and we have had her several times before and she is a fan favorite. It is always fun for us to bring on the very famous adult video... Read More models from the United States. They always have a big following and lots of fans that want to see more of them. We are happy Emily is back to play with us today and she is looking as good as always. Emily loves to bring her own sex toys to our shoots and today she also brought her own outfit. She likes to control all aspects of her time in front of the camera. She has been around long enough to know what she likes best and how she likes to be seen. We see she has brought her high heels to the shoot today and a sexy short dress with a very revealing neckline. She loves to show off those big juicy tits of hers and today we see almost all of them as they hang out the top of her dress. In fact when she leans in some her nipple pops out and we are entertained by the down blouse shot she is giving us. Emily knows exactly what she is doing. She knows how sexy it is to get a glimpse of a nipple down a blouse and she wanted to give our members that tease. She then decided to just take off the top and show us all her sexy tits. So off her dress came and now we get to see her cute black panties. And, they match her high heels. We zoom in close and she pulls her panties up tight between her pussy lips! Fuck, this is getting good! Go watch the full video now! You are going to love it!
- 11:18
- March 20th, 2023
- 86
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