An interview with the very famous adult video model Kenna James

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We have a surprise for you today, an interview with Kenna James who started her career in Indiana as a stripper. She then went to webcaming and did lots of private shows on webcam. She then went on... Read More to start her adult video career and make adult movies. She still enjoys her job and even admits that she still has some porn fetishes as well in terms of watching and enjoying porn. She has her own celebrity crush and who she would fuck and it is Mila and Keanu. We will just say their first names but she would fuck them if she had the chance. She comes clean with us and also admits that she is into some kink and she really likes voyeurism. She likes to watch, secretly, as people fuck. She gets off when she hears a man grunting and moaning and really enjoys hearing a man fuck. She then tells us about a time that was memorable when she was with her boyfriend fucking in his car. She tells us that it was behind a Kohl’s store and she even squirted all over his car and she had to clean it up with his shirt. And then the kicker, a cop came a knocking on the window. Opps.
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