Chanel Shortcake interview

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Chanel Shortcake is one the most loved models of Baberotica. She is sweet, cute, with a big smile, tiny but loving the true hard sex, playful and talkative. We know what a big pleasure is to see he... Read Morer, so we bring you this interview of her! On a wooden table, Chanel, wearing a top and pink panties answers to a lot interesting questions. She tells us how she chose her name and where she was born. This gal doesn’t make a secret of her age and we can only be surprised by her youth. Chanel talks about how did she decide to make the step of moving out to LA. We are sure that you want to know how she started to work in the adult movie world and this is why this is the next question. Chanel talks about her astrological sign and what she likes to do when she is not busy with modeling. She tells us a sex story from which we find out that she really likes the hardcore action. This model tells us something that she would like her fans to know about her. Next, she talks about where she can be found on the social media sites and if she has a wishlist for the fans to send her gifts. This blonde model with a thick pigtail is a true sweetheart! So, don’t miss this interview and her amazing performances on Baberotica!
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