Channelle Blu finger fucks her hot wet pink Latina pussy

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Channelle Blu is from the Latin American country of Venezuela. So she is what we call, A Latina! With a capital L. And this young lady has been by once before, here she was showing us her finger fu... Read Morecking skills. And today since most of us were too busy jerking off when she was here last she has come back to demonstrate the skill again. She was not too upset that we requested a second lesson in how she masturbates. She let us know that it was something she is happy to do and not shy about and would be happy to demonstrate again. We of course all got ready for her return and picked out some special lingerie so we could make sure she looked fantastic on her return. So we started in again on yet another lesson in how Channelle Blu fucks her own pussy and everyone of our staff got a whiff of her pussy when she pulled off her panties and all started whacking off again. The fuck were they supposed to do when they smelt that hot wet fuck hole this young lady hides in her panties? Yeah, you try being in the same room as a piece of hot pussy like that and not reaching for your cock to jerk off. Anyway, here she is again and she is going to bend over and finger her hot pussy for you again! Enjoy!
- 09:59
- November 23rd, 2022
- 90
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