Dark Haired and sexy Russiam Miss Alexis masturbates for us

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Russian Pussy! We want it! We need it! Our members seem to agree that hot Russian pussy is what they are looking for. We get models from different places and we love the variety of pussy there is t... Read Moreo watch get fingered. Today we are back to our old standard of hot Russian pussy. This is Alexis and we have had her in the studio before. We were happy to find her and she has such a great little figure. She is smaller than many of our Russian models. She has cute tits and a cute ass. She has thin legs and quite long as she is over 168 cm tall. That means that her legs are long enough to wrap all the way around you. Alexis wanted to dress up a bit for today’s shoot. She wanted something dark and tight. She wanted to show off her lean figure. We had her in the kitchen today and the first thing she did was hop on the counter. She looked great with her hair in a bun and her dark lipstick and eye makeup. Alexis got up on the counter and sat down and spread her legs. That was nice as she had a pair of black panties on she wanted us to see. And then she reached down and started to play with her pussy. We noticed when we zoomed in that her panties were see through. That was nice! I mean, we got to see her pussy again and she didn’t even have to take off any clothes. She was really horny as she started to play with her pussy as she slid a few fingers under her panties. Then she… Go see what she did next! You are going to love Alexis!
- 12:28
- March 24th, 2023
- 117
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