Emily Addison is in her sexiest black lingerie today teasing us

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Emily Addison is a bit different for us here in Baberotica. Can you tell there is something different about her? She is one of our only American models. Maybe that is not obvious to everyone. She i... Read Mores a hottie for sure and she has that East European look about her. You know, long sexy hair, big fat juicy tits and lovely eyes that say, “Fuck me hungry pussy.” She also has the solid foundation that is needed for a proper fucking. You know, a real solid ass that you can grab on to and also sink your teeth into. That is what we are all about! We want some of that fucking ass and some of those luscious tits in our face! We want all of her now! What a fucking hottie! And she is here for us today to enjoy and she is a talker too. So many of our models are so quiet and the only sound you hear from them is the sound of them moaning as they pleasure their hungry pussies. But since Emily is from America, she likes to do some moaning as well as a walk through as she models and teases. Emily is vocal about what she is doing so she can also stimulate you that way and not just visually. She wants you to hear about what she is doing as well. She is in some lovely lingerie today and that black bra barely covers those luscious tits of hers. Her tits are huge! I mean she has a set of tits that are just so big and lovely and we want them in our face! God she pulls the bra off and then she grabs her tits and smashes them together and plays with them and then teases us asking if we would like some! Fuck we love this girl!
- 09:13
- May 11th, 2022
- 91
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