Petite Redhead Hottie, Eva Strawberry, Stretches Her Tight Pussy For Us

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We love shooting with Eva. She is what we like to call a “forever teen”. Even though she was born in 1989, she still rocks a tiny, petite body that makes her look like she’s still... Read More in college. And she also acts like a young girl who only thinks about bad things. In this scene, she wakes up from a night of naughty dreams, and her pussy is horny. So, she had to masturbate before she could start her day. She started by stretching and touching herself. She played with her little titties and squeezed her perky clit with her panties. She knows how to tease the camera and takes her time removing her clothes to create tension in our viewers. She played with her clit for a while before she took her top off. But when she got completely naked, she made sure to play with her little titties and her nipples for a while to make up for keeping them covered for almost half of the video. When she was wet and horny, it was time to start stretching herself. She began by fingerfucking herself using just one finger. Then she used two and then three. By the end of the video, she had four fingers up her pussy, and half of her palm was also inside of her. She loves big cocks, and she needs to feel her pussy filled up when she wants to have an orgasm. She was so close to fisting herself. And we captured it all in such a nice close-up shot.
- 15:22
- September 02nd, 2023
- 129
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