Iris Kiss Kiss comes to spread her pussy for us and masturbate

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A hot Russian blonde babe named Iris Kiss Kiss wanted to come to our studios and show us her tits. She was sure that if she showed us her tits we would want to get her on camera. She was so sure of... Read More her body and how great her tits were that she bet us she could come in and lift her top and do a little wiggle and dance and we would get hard and horny and we would sign her up right away to come back and do a shoot. So, that is what happened with this amazingly lovely Russian lady. She came in and turned us all on and I was surprised that we didn’t all stick our hands on our pants and start jerking off right there because she was fanfuckingtastic! She was that good and she was so sure she was that good which made it all the sexier. She told us of stories of men who would see her and want to leave their wife and run away with her. And all she had done was walk by them in her cute t-shirt, braless. The power of her tits is undeniable. She is worth the entire monthly membership cost on our site. Just her one video is worth that much, because she is so fucking hot. She came back and she got a sex toy and a room and we got our cameras and we sat down to watch as she awed us with her tits and then her pussy. What a great day! Go see her whole video and get ready for perfection!
- 12:22
- January 05th, 2023
- 81
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