Jess Mori and Emma Fantazy get together for some lesbian fun

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Jess Mori and Emma Fantazy are here at the same time today! And that means we are going to have a fucking good time! We love our sexy Russian models. Do you remember them from their solo fuck shows... Read More? Or from there lesbian shows they were on as well. We are just happy to have them here and as they are together it is all the better as we enjoy sexy Russians with tats and sexy models that are into licking and sucking some pussy. We have a room set up for these two and they come in wearing whatever as we really do not care and just want them to show us their sexy hot bodies writing together getting each other off. This is the stuff that we live for! We want pussy and we want hot Russian pussy and if we can get a lesbian fuck show at the same time then we are going to film it and bring it to our members. We are into these two as well as we know them pretty well. They have both done two shoots with us as solo girls masturbating and then the one show we got them together in a lesbian lovefest. Today they seem eager to get started and they start to grab each other and touch and enjoy each other. They seem to be touching themselves as well so I guess they are really anxious to cum. Jess is our tat girl and she looks hot in that one piece and Emma sliding her hands inside it to play with her pussy is best! Go watch the full video in the member’s section!
- 20:43
- November 21st, 2022
- 123
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