Jessica plays in front of the mirror naked teasing us with her pussy

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The thing about Jessica is that she is so lean that the camera makes her look like she is also really tall. We have had Jessica on before as she played with her ass and fingered her pussy hard for ... Read Moreus. Actually we are not sure if she did it for us but she sure fingered her pussy, hard. And so anyway, her body is really tiny. She is thin and that fools the camera into making her look tall. She is not tall, she is just really petite and slender. She comes in today and we get her on a sofa and set up a camera and tell her to show us her moves. She takes her time and just plays with her hair in the mirror and then decides to touchup her makeup as well. She looks great and we don’t think she needs anything changed but we let her do that as we just focus the camera on that sweet ass of hers. She is wearing a tiny skirt so we can really see how sweet the ass is. And then she has a half top on and that shows off her cute belly. God, we just keep thinking of places that a load of cum would look hot as we watch her. She decides to do some moves in front of the mirror as she plays and lifts her top to see her tits. They are perfect and we assure her that she can do that towards the camera and we would be happy to capture it. She continues to play in front of the mirror though and then she just pulls her top off! Go see what Jessica does next!
- 16:15
- May 05th, 2023
- 105
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