Jessika Night has no panties on and she lifts her skirt to show us her pussy

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From the Ukraine comes my number one new jerk off babe with a pussy that makes me want to use a fuck machine on her. This is Jessika Night and she is new to Baberotica and she is going to make you ... Read Morecum hard. We brought her in and she had her own fucking dildo. That means this girl came prepared to fuck her pussy for us and she wanted to use her own super sized dildo cause that is the one that she always uses when she is alone and wants to get off. OK, so we are getting ahead of ourselves. Our new Ukrainian model is named Jessika Night and she is a nice sweet young lady that is wearing all white today. She has longish dark hair and dark European bedroom eyes that say, Fuck me now! She has on out fit on that seems to want to be pulled off as it almost shows all of her body without even coming off and she keeps pulling at it. The skirt is short and white and it looks like she is going to go out and play tennis. It also looks like her top would come up and show her tits each time she hit the ball so we really hope this is her tennis outfit. Another thing we noticed when Jessika came in was that she sat down and we could see right up that tennis skirt and we are pretty sure she had no panties on. WTF? She came in commando and braless and she brought her own dildo! OK, and one more thing we have to mention. Her fuck hole is so delicious looking. She spreads her legs super wide, and spreads her pussy lips open and shows us deep inside her hole. Fuck! This really is our new favorite model! You are going to whack off a lot watching her.
- 20:45
- August 29th, 2022
- 129
One comment for “Jessika Night has no panties on and she lifts her skirt to show us her pussy”
Damnnn girl looking good