Julia Rain from the Ukraine is here getting naked for us

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Julia Rain is probably the tallest model we have ever had. She could be the thinest as well but it is hard to tell as she is so lean and tall. She has the body of some elegant doe that we would lik... Read Moree to capture and watch walk around all day. There is just something amazing about her and her lean body. So many of our models are considered ‘hot’. And they all have different body styles. Some are short and plump with big juicy tits and some are lean like Julia. But they are all different and we try to bring you the lovely and interesting and Julia fits both of those categories. She is wearing high heels for her shoot today, I guess she also likes long legs because those heels make her legs real long. And she has opted to go for some lingerie that shows off those legs and her sexy figure. She is on the sofa today and she showing us all of her figure in her tease. She enjoys the tease as much as we do. She likes to let us know how well she can move and that of course seduces us. We are happy to sit back and watch as she sits on the sofa with her legs up and spread so we get a clear view of her panties. She reaches down for us knowing what we would do and she starts to rub her pussy through her panties. Now not only are we turned on but she is getting wet and horny. And then it is time to start taking off her clothes. Go watch the full length video so you can enjoy Miss Julia Rain in all her nudity.
- 20:05
- October 14th, 2022
- 131
One comment for “Julia Rain from the Ukraine is here getting naked for us”
a slender beauty in a wonderful scene.. passionate fingering and a pretty pink dildo finale..