Kamilla shows off her sweet figure today naked on the sofa masturbating

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Good Morning to Kamilla! Our five foot six inch model from Russia. That is 168cm to the rest of the world. She is our dark beauty and we just love having her in the studio. We were late getting set... Read More up today and it seems that Kamilla just zzz while waiting for us. She looks so peaceful and cute and sexy. We had seen that she had chosen some sexy lingerie for today’s shoot so we were excited to see what she was going to do. Kamila has masturbated for us before, she shoved a dildo into her pussy to get off the last time she was in the studio. We loved that. But today it seems that she is more in the mood to just tease. We are up for whatever she wants and when she stands up and takes off her robe and we see the lingerie we are happy she wants to leave them on for a while. Hot lingerie on a sexy sweet hot honey! We are here for that. She seems to be wearing black panties and a bra that is see through. We get in close and we can see her nipples through her top so we are very pleased with her choice in lingerie. We then see that the panties are made from the same material. We love the hint of pussy and seeing nipples and they seem to be hard. Her nipples are hard just from her grabbing them some and playing with them for our cameras God this is going to be good. And now she has the bra off and she takes off the heels too! She stands and drops the panties and now we get to see that hot shaved hole of hers. Go see the whole video so you can watch her play with her sweet honey hole.
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