Katty West spreads her legs and fucks her own pussy for you

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Our at home fun girl is in the studio today. This is Katty West and you are going to love her. She is the girl next door, the sexy girl that sat next to you in freshmen English, the hottie that use... Read Mored to come over to visit with your younger sis. She is all grown up now and Katty West is here to be a fucking hot sex machine. She is no longer that girl in pony tails, now she is the girl with the hungry wet pussy that wants you to watch her as she slides a finger in and out of her pussy as she gets off. Katty wants you to pull your cock out of your pants and start stroking it as she does a tease in front of you. Katty knows you want to fuck her, and she knows that the more she teases you the more your cock starts to pre-cum. Katty lifts her legs in the air, and she pulls off her sweats. She pulls off her panties too. She lifts her shirt and shows you her nipples. There is something different about her nipples today though, she has them pierced. She thinks you are going to watch to yank on them with your mouth as she thrusts her tits in your face as she straddles you and fucks you. Katty has a hungry pussy and now that she is over eighteen years old, she wants to show you how much she used to cream her jeans when she would watch you swim and do yard work. She wasn’t just coming over to see your sis, she was there to watch you and think about your cock in her mouth. She was getting a mental image of you so she could rush home and jump into bed and push her hair brush handle into her hot teen pussy. Katty West wanted your cock and now she wants you to see her hot pussy and dream of her mounting you and fucking you hard.
- 17:46
- May 12th, 2021
- 105
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