Kris the Foxx spreads her legs to show us her cute pink pussy.

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Is it really fair to us that we get the sexiest piece of ass in our studio and we have to stay behind the camera. This is of course, the lovely and sexy Miss Kris the Foxx. We love every inch of he... Read Morer, and we love her name and her fuck me attitude. There is something special about someone this hot and her sexy ass in a pink pair of panties that match her hair perfectly. It is time to party every time she comes into the studio. Every cock is hard and at attention. She is looking sexy hot and the word of the day is pink! Pink pussy, pink tutu, pink holes and pink hair. We are in love with hot tight and pink wet holes like the one Miss Kris the Foxx has in her pink panties. What she is going to do for you today is get you off. We are going to zoom in and get real close, real personal with her and we are going to be inches away from her pink pussy. We want to be so close to that hole that you can smell it from where you are sitting at home. There is nothing sweeter than a hot pussy in your face and watch it drip with fuck juice as you inch closer to take in a big wiff of that sweetness. Kris the Foxx is going to make you want her, as she lifts her legs, she is going to leave her cute socks on and show you how fuckable she is with those legs up and spread wide. She wants you to slide your face up to her crotch as she closes her legs on your head and you stick out your tongue straining to lick that yummy pussy of hers. She will make you come!
- 16:42
- June 14th, 2022
- 106
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