Lena Rondon drips cream all over her sweet pink Latina pussy

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And from Venezuela we have the returning beauty of Miss Lena Rondon. We have had Lena in the studios before where she was able to show us her sweet hot Latina pussy. She really made an impression o... Read Moren the whole crew and she came back several times to play. This is the forth time she is doing a shoot for us and all our crew was able to be here for this shoot. We have gotten a lot of feedback about the hot Latinas we are recruiting for our site and it is positive and Lena is a favorite of many of our members who really like petite Latinas with very tight asses. We also enjoy a hot Latina so we were happy to have Lena back with us. She came in today and wanted to wear her favorite color again. She wanted to wear pink panties and lingerie. She also wanted to have some ice cream as it was so hot. We of course gave her what ever she wanted and let her enjoy herself while she was with us and our cameras. She decided to make a mess with her ice cream and pour it all over herself. She got so dirty and her cream dripped all over her tummy and down to her amazing pussy. What a sweet hot pussy she has and she covered it in cream for us as she spread her legs and showed us how much she likes to tease and play. She knew what she was doing when she let it all drip down to her pussy. We got up close and got a great view all for our members enjoyment. Go watch now!
- 11:41
- March 04th, 2023
- 113
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