Lexie Fux gives us an interview about herself and her loves and fetishes

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Lexie Fux is here and she is so beautiful in the flesh. She is here to do an interview with us. We said interview, not inner view. She is on the younger side as she is only twenty years old. She ha... Read Mores been in this adult industry since she was eighteen years old. She started right away when she turned eighteen and she has enjoyed her job so much as she could never do a nine to five job. Lexie has her own fetishes and she also has her dislikes. Lexie is a very natural girl and very in touch with herself. One thing she loves to do is make her own videos at home. Lexie Fux is so fun to talk to as she is a natural girl who loves the outdoors. She loves the desert. She loves to go out and get grounded in nature. She has a home in Vegas so she has access to lots of nature around her. She enjoys the beauty of the outdoors and wishes that more of the adult videos were shot outdoors. She loves to eat out and prefers plant based restaurants. That is in keeping with her very down to earth style and kind of living. This is just a short interview with Lexie Fux so you know a little about her with her clothes on as well.
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