Mencia Francis is one very tall and slim model with a sex toy in her pussy

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A shaved pussy on a Russian model, and her name is Mencia Francis and this is the second time she has come to see us. Mencia is very tall and has a very thin figure. She only weighs 50 kilos. She i... Read Mores 176 cm tall. The girl is all legs! If you love a hot lady who is super sexy and has long legs, come and see this hot woman. She starts off the shoot with a long light dress on. She looks wonderful in it and she lifts it up high so we can see her panties. Yes, we also love a woman who walks around in her panties all day. So, Mencia shows us her dress and does some twirling around and then she shows us that it has a unique feature. It has a tie around the waist and she can untie it there and the dress just falls open. This is amazing and we are going to store that info away for future use when we see another woman wearing a similar dress. It is like a yakata from Japan the way it ties. So anyway, she undoes that and her dress opens up and we are treated to her sexy tits and tummy. Her tits are really small and cute. She weighs 50 kilos so of course since she is all leg she is not going to have big juicy tits! What she is going to have is an awesome tight figure that would looke lovely bent over with her hands grabbing her ass cheeks open!
- 15:10
- June 26th, 2023
- 118
One comment for “Mencia Francis is one very tall and slim model with a sex toy in her pussy”
108-111 are good view of the pussy