Young MILF, Milli, Plays With A Double Ended Dildo

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Milli is going to be such a great cougar one day. but for now, she’s a 36 yo young MILF who already knows everything about her body and about what men want to see in a solo porn movie. And sh... Read Moree brought one of her toys from home for this shooting. We were expecting something naughty, but never a double-ended dildo. She confessed that she is a true bisexual and sometimes uses this toy with her girlfriends. But she also loves using it alone. We were so curious to see how she would use that toy alone. We imagined that she would jam it all in her pussy or deepthroat it until she bulges her throat. But we never expected her to do what she did. And we haven’t even asked her to do it. She fucked both her pussy and ass until she got gaped. Before that, she got ready for the extreme play session. As she strips and teases both the camera and herself, you will start realizing that she’s so skinny and tight even though she’s 36. All her ribs are showing when she starts masturbating. Her pussy got so wet when she was fingering herself. And she needs all that wetness. She spread it all over her holes so that she can finger both her cunt and her asshole. When she was warmed up and wet, she grabbed that toy and started pushing it in her pussy. We loved the moment when one end of the dildo was in her cunt while she was sucking on the other end. The fans of futanari hentai will also love that moment a lot. After she properly fucked her pussy, Milli started fucking her ass. She moved from pussy and ass until she came hard.
- 21:11
- December 15th, 2023
- 192
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