Miss Diana Ferreira slides a sex toy into her hot Latina pussy

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And once again ladies and gentlemen, the lovely Miss Diana Ferreira from the exciting country in South America that is home to so many lovely hot women, Venezuela. We are so happy to see Diana agai... Read Moren. We have had her in the studio a few times and we enjoyed getting to know her better and we got to see a lot of her. But she is so amazing and the reaction from the members has been so positive that we were happy to acquiesce to their demands and get some more of that hot Latina pussy out here. We start off with this lovely Latina in the library. We were told she wanted to wear her own outfit. So we stared to shoot not knowing what was going to be seen, and she came out in a robe. Hmm we were not sure what to make of it, but then she pulled it off her shoulders and untied the strap and wow! She was wearing the sexiest lingerie. We were so hard right then! We never thought we would be turned on by orange panties but here we are. The girl wore a sexy hot orange outfit with the tiniest of panties and she looked amazing! Diana twirled around for us a few times and we were happy to see that lovely long hair of hers and that tight ass. Her outfit was so skimpy we really didn’t care if she kept it on or not as we could see everything anyway. Go check out the full video and watch Diana slide that sex toy deep into her hot pink pussy!
- 10:05
- June 14th, 2023
- 85
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