Miss Lana Tylor wants to show you her pussy now!

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This is the kind of video we like to shoot. We are very interested in pussy, just like our members. In fact, pussy is about all we think about all day and on Baberotica the more pussy we bring the ... Read Moremembers, the happier we are as we are the ones out there scouting that pussy. All our meetings in the office center around pussy and how to get more of it. What can I say? We are all just a bunch of horny men who talk after work in the local pub talking about all the hot pussy we saw that day. There are worse ways to live. So, anyway. This video is special as this hot young lady comes to you directly from Russia and her name is Miss Lana Tylor. And the title of this post is correct, Miss Lana Tylor wants to show you her pussy now! In fact, she is so eager to show you her pussy that she almost does not wait for the camera to be turne on before she starts taking off those tight jean short shorts she wore to the shoot today. She of course had her tits out first and she was showing everybody her lovely boobs. Miss Lana asked us if she wanted her to change before the shoot and we said and I quote, “We give a flying fuck what you wear as long as you get in front of the camera and take it off, fast.” end quote. So, that is what you get here. Lana pulls up that top. and pulls down those shorts and then she spreads her legs and shows us her pussy. We all got real close to her at that point as we all wanted to smell her hot shaved pussy hole. You are going to love her pussy, and she is happy to show all of you!
- 15:39
- February 28th, 2022
- 99
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