Nancy Fox pulls out a glass dildo and shoves it deep into her pussy

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This is the sexy hot Russian Miss Nancy Fox and what a great time we had with her today. She was everything we wanted her to be. So many models are so sexy and hot but a bit on the shy side. Nancy... Read More is all that sexy and hot and one thing she is not, is shy. She loves to perform and she loves to be the center of attention. She got all the attention she wanted today for her shoot. We had her in and were so excited for her first shoot with her. But we are always a bit nervous when a new girl comes in as we are not sure they are going to open up that much because they are shy. We did not have that problem today. Nancy was dressed all in white for her shoot. She has a white one piece on and white stockings. She got up on the bed and enjoyed all the space by moving all around the bed. We had the camera in our hands for a hand held shoot today. She was just going to be too wild to set up the camera on a tripod. The camera started shooting and she started her tease. She stood up and bent over and leaned over and she just did everything to get as close to the camera and pose for us. She had all her clothes on at this point. That soon changed as she was ready to show us her pussy. Her top was really a one piece so she reached down between her legs and unsnapped her crotch and out popped her pussy! Wow! Fuck! What a hot pink! Her pussy was so ready and ripe and pink and wet! She got out her dildo and… Go see what she did next! You are going to love it!
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