Natalia Starr comes to our studio for an interview and

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What a great day for us at Baberotica. Natalia Starr comes to our studio for an interview and we get the inside info on her. She is from Greece and grew up in New York City and now lives in Los Ang... Read Moreeles. She is ready to move though and has set Las Vegas as the city where she wants to settle down. Natalia has her sights set on traveling and tells us that she wants to visit Thailand. Her idea is she wants to get a great massage and get a happy ending. Something she has never gotten before. Natalia tells us about her most recent sexy adventure in Ibiza and a lingerie party she was at. She loves to party and happened to be at a party with lots of hot models and tons of men that were there to find hot women. She escapes off with a guy she had met and gets into the pool and he starts fucking her in the pool from behind. Natalia is hot and sexy and wants everyone to know how much fun she is and where she can be found online. Natalia’s idea of the ultimate food is fish tacos. She really loves tacos with mangos on top. She is just such a down to earth girl and she just wants to go out, have fun, shop and come home and get fucked.
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