Newest hot redhead model from Russia Miss Luna Haze

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We are always on the lookout for new talent. We love to find a secret beauty and bring her in and see if we can tease out the beauty she is hiding inside. So many hot Russian girls and we try to fi... Read Morend the cutest and most interesting ones to bring to our members. Today we have a very cute young lady who has come in to do a shoot with us. Her name is also cute, Luna Haze. Luna is petite and just so small you can put her in your pocket and run away with her. She is different as she has red hair. We love to see a model that is so unique come in and being so petite with that red hair she is very memorable. We got her in and got her into hair and make up and found something she would like to wear for the shoot. As almost always happens the whole office staff is here to watch her as she starts her career with us. We had all seen her test shots and were excited to see if she really was so sexy cute in real life so the whole office staff was there to help with the shoot. We determine how good she is by how many of our members get hardons. If she can get you hard, then she ranks as pretty hot in our books. If she can get the whole staff hard, then she is going to be one of our best models. Luna starts off her shoot today in her cute outfit that she unzips to show off her cute tits. She grabs a hold of them for us and then she shows us how lovely those nipples are. After that the suit comes off so she can get to the sex toy insertion into her pussy. She is keen to masturbate for us and we all have our eyes glued to what she does next.
- 19:36
- August 11th, 2022
- 88
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