Our hot new model has a cute name: Miss Kris The Foxx

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This girl is hot! We are in love! We fall in love with these models so easily as they are so cute and sexy and they come in with such a nice attitude. You are going to love this new one we have and... Read More her name! Ha! What a cute name and tattoo she has. This is the sexy Miss Kris The Foxx from Russia. She came in and everyone in the office was so excited to see her in person. We knew she was cute from her photos but once we had her in person, we were hooked. Kris The Foxx has a very lean sexy body and some sexy tattoos that make her all the more lovely. She is wearing a tight top that shows off her cute lil tits and a short skirt that shows off those long skinny legs of hers. Her skirt is short enough that we can almost see her panties and then we realize she has no panties on once she leaned over. This of course peeked our interest and we all were very excited to see that ass and pussy she was barely hiding from us. She was wearing black stockings as well and we hoped she would leave those on as we love a woman in stockings and long legs and a tight ass. She hopped up on the bed first of all and started licking her fingers and then she spread her legs. Yup, no panties. Then she turned around and lifted her skirt up to her waist so we could see that fucking hot ass of hers. We then got to see two of her tats. Fuck! We wanted her right then. She turned over and showed us the front and we got to see her other tat right over her pussy and our imaginations went wild thinking of sliding into that hot pink pussy of hers.
- 19:52
- February 26th, 2022
- 101
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