Our tall hot Ukrainian Anita Blanche is back spreading her pussy

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A sexy hot Ukrainian model is back for some more fun. We love blondes and tall women. She is so hot and we are in love. This is Anita Blanche and here she is for her second shoot. We got the talles... Read Moret model ever for Baberotica at a very sexy five feet ten inches tall. That is one tall hot woman! Do you know how long legs are at five feet ten? She has such sexy legs and we hope everyone with a fetish for long legs enjoys our new model. She is so lean and tight and hot and not only are the legs hot, but the pussy is really great! She loves to see people as she teases and plays. So we got her in for the shoot and she gets us hard, really hard and then she takes off her clothes and she sits back and spreads her legs very very wide. And then she reaches around and she pulls her pussy lips back! She really shows us deep inside her pussy. It is so pink and lovely and we at that moment will do anything or give anything to slide our tongue between those lips. And when we are all watching that amazing pussy, she turns around and gets on her knees and shows us the pussy from behind! She reaches back again and spreads that pussy open! She knows exactly what we want as she then gets up on her toes squatting down and spreading her legs and she reaches under her ass and pulls her pussy lips open again and thrusts her pussy forward. Go watch! She really does have the greatest pussy in the world! Imagine yourself deep in that hole!!
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