Ruby Cruz spreads her sexy Latina legs and masturbates for us

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Ruby Cruz has been to see us twice now and this is the third time. Here are some key words from today’s shoot. Leather, dildo, Latina. Those words should mean something to you when they are c... Read Moreombined with Ruby Cruz. She is so sexy and hot and we are so in love with her. We would have her back a thousand times if we could. We are in love with every part of her sexy body. Ruby Cruz is from Venezuela. She is from that new stable of models we have coming to us from the country with some of the most lovely women in the world. We start off today with her in her leather jacket and skirt. Her heels are also black leather. She peels off that jacket after the unzip and we are surprised to see that she has nothing on underneath. Wow! We are in love! We want some more of that! We see that she wants to show us some more and she looks down the barrel of the camera like she was looking into our eyes and smiles. She does a little dance and plays a little and then she drops the skirt. Wow, that is hot! Her panties are leather too and they are tiny. Tiny leather panties on Ruby Cruz!! We want some more of that! We then see her pull on the string of those panties and they fall right to the ground! This day just keeps getting better and better! She sits down on the steps and reaches back and grabs a dildo! This is what we are here for! We want to see her spread her legs and that is just what she does. she spreads her legs and turns on the vibrator and puts it down there on her clit. She starts to rub her clit and slides her sex toy up and down all over her pussy. FUCK! We want more now! Go see what she does next.
- 08:31
- April 27th, 2023
- 132
One comment for “Ruby Cruz spreads her sexy Latina legs and masturbates for us”
I love the wand vibrator. Maybe give her more time next time, so that she can really cum.