Russian angel Jessika Blond brings her shaved pussy to Baberotica to play

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What a fun day we had with someone new we brought to you. This is Jessika Blond and she is a Russian angel that has a lovely shaved pussy. We fell in love with her pussy the moment she we saw her p... Read Moreull her panties off. She has long blonde hair and a thin sexy figure. We brought her in after seeing photos of her and thought she would be a good fit for our studio and that she would be a big hit with our members. We had Jessika come in and the office staff fell for her right away. She came in and looked lovely and smelt wonderfully and she was ready right away to get into the studio and masturbate for us. She had no interest in seeing any kind of costume and just wanted to get into the studio and get naked. She was very excited this whole time to just get in and show us what she could do. We were all happy to see this lovely young lady take her job with such a great attitude and excited to do a show for all of us staffers in the office. Jessika has a sexy black dress on and long black stockings to match. She has high heels on and they really make her legs look so fucking long and sexy with her long black stockings. One thing we noticed was she had no panties on. We were like, WTF? She is has a sexy dress and stockings on and no panties?? We were in love at that point and wanted whatever Jessika had to give. So, she really got into it fast and just started taking off her top and spreading her legs and rubbing her tits and massaging her pussy! GO watch this new model you are going to love Jessika Blond!
- 16:25
- May 09th, 2022
- 105
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