Russian babes Miss Lelya Mult and Tamara Close play with sex toys

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So what we don’t have here is a failure to communicate. These two lovely Russian babes are speaking the international language of hot girls, naked and horny. We have the sexy blonde Tamara Cl... Read Moreose and the Auburn Miss Lelya Mult with us today and we decided to try something different. Our goal before we shoot any scene is to think what would we like to see, as we can be considered members of this site just like our regular members. And then we brainstorm and talk about the girls we are in love with, and what we would like them to wear and sometimes who we would like them to do a scene with. We all love these hot blonde Russians so we wanted to see Tamara. And we also love those dark haired beauties. That means we need some Lelya in this mix we are making. And then we think, what should these lovely ladies wear that would be a total turn on and give us and our members an instant hard on. Well stockings are always a turn on and high heels, and throw in a garter with those stockings and them how about a top that they can wear that shows off their tits but they don’t have to take it off. And then, we need both of the ladies to be armed with sex toys. OK, we can do it. And then we call the ladies and ask them to come in to try this out. They are game, and then we get hair and make up done and then we give them a setting and tell them it is time to play. Both these babes bring a good attitude and a horny disposition to the shoot and that is a winning combination. Now, watch the trailer and then go to the member’s section and watch the full video of these hotties getting each other off! It is totally worth it!
- 12:34
- February 16th, 2022
- 105
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