Shae Kink has big fat juicy pussy lips she loves to show off up close

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American model from New Jersey MsShae Kink is here today. She is new to our studios so we spent the day getting to know her some. She came in today not wanting to wear too much clothes so she just ... Read Morewore a dress and no bra underneath. She also decided that it would be fun to take that off right away and get down to her panties. We thought for sure she was going to dance around and do some teasing just in her panties but she stood up right away and pulled those off too. We decided to come in close to see what was going on and we got to see her up close. She has lots of tats so we saw all of them one special one right above her pussy. She has Harley Quinn above her pussy and the words, fuck toy. As well as a Hello Kitty and the words, Kiss My Kitty! What a sexy pair of pussy lips she has, and so big and juicy. She was going to be a lot of fun. She showed us that pussy spread wide and then she slid her hands down to spread open her pussy and slide some fingers in, deep. She was very interested in showing off her pierced clit too. Shae was having such a nice time fingering herself that she forgot the camera was even on her we’re sure. She just fingered and licked and sucked on her fingers and it seemed she just wanted to get off for us as she worked her pussy lips hard!
- 15:19
- March 18th, 2023
- 125
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