Sweetie Plum and Mulan pull out their sex toys to masturbate each other

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Remember when that Tiny Russian Miss Mulan and her lover Miss Denis used sex toys in a lesbian fuck show for us? Well today our lovely Mulan is back with us and here she is, with Sweetie Plum! Thes... Read Moree sexy hot Russian girls are a great pair. They are both hot and sweet and we know how hot Mulan looks getting her pussy licked. And now that we have a new partner for her we get to see how much fun she has getting her body grabbed and kissed and fingered and fucked by this sweet hot Russian blonde. Mulan is one of our favorite ladies. We love her sexy hot dark hair and her sexy hot pussy. Today she is wearing such a hot outfit. She has her stockings on which of course make her legs look great. Sweetie is all over her grabbing at her bra and panties to get them off. But she has to be fast as Mulan is very keen to slide her mouth over Sweetie’s tits and lick her nipples and get them all wet. They both grab sex toys at the same time and start to suck on them. They both have the great idea that it is time to stick a dildo up each other’s pussy. We are hard as a rock watching this and then they really do it! They start to fuck each other and we are going to jerk off while we film them. You would too! They are that hot!
- 12:24
- April 23rd, 2023
- 88
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