Venezuelan model Miss Ruby Cruz dressed in all white for her porn shoot

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Ruby Cruz is hot, and she is from Venezuela. For some reason there happens to be a surplus of hot women from Venezuela. So, we are assuming that since our new models are all coming from this Latin ... Read MoreAmerican country, that every single woman in Venezuela is as hot as Miss Ruby Cruz. So, if we had a dream of an afternoon spent in bed with a sexy Latina it would most likely look like the video you are about to watch of Ruby Cruz. Just watch this short trailer and then go to the member’s area so you can really get what we are talking about. There is something lovely and ethereal about this young lady and the whole scene that we have painted here. A dark haired and dark eyed Latina dressed all in white and in bed. The house is in the jungle and there is no one around to hear what is about to happen between the two of you in this scene we are creating for you. Ruby starts off wearing all white pajamas. Although the shorts of her pajamas as very masculine they look sexy on. Her top is white and almost see through as we can see her nipples through her top. We also happen to notice her nipples as she leans over. She has the cutest and most perfect body and we can tell that even though she is still wearing all her clothes. She hops on the bed and starts to do a little modeling for us. We are now hungry to see more as she has gotten us hard just rolling around on the bed. She seems to notice this and pulls her shorts down to reveal a white panty thong. And then she… Go watch the full video!!
- 12:14
- September 18th, 2022
- 123
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