Veronica has a cleanly shaved very pink pussy she shows us today

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This is one of those hot young ladies that seems to always be in a hurry. She does not like to waste time and she just wants to get to it. This is Miss Veronica and she is Russian. She has those se... Read Morexy dark eyes and that very dark lovely hair. When we were going through some outfits for her to wear today for the shoot she decided she didn’t want to fuck around with any clothes and she grabbed a pair of red stockings and put them on and said, Fuck it, let’s go! While she was at it, she also grabbed something interesting that we had never seen before, it was a sex toy. She seemed to know what it was that gave us the idea that she had used one before and liked it. So, we get to the studio and Veronica says she just wants us to start shooting, and she is wearing nothing but those red stockings. We turn on the camera and she is sitting on a table and rubbing her tits. She spins around to face the camera so quickly our cameraman is not ready for her and she spreads her legs and we zoom in to see her pussy lips laying flat on the table. This was very encouraging as the whole team loves a hot Russian with big fat pussy lips that we can dream about licking and sucking. We want more of this so Veronica leans back, spreads her legs and lifts one leg so we can get a nice clean look at that pussy. She spreads her pussy open with her fingers and we are now in love. This cleanly shaved hot Russian pussy looks so good we almost get up and try to stick a tongue in it. We are not close enough to smell it yet, but we are sure it smells delicious.
- 09:59
- March 04th, 2022
- 90
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