Vika Lita has the sweetest hottest pink pussy she fingers for us today

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Vika Lita has been here in our studio ten times! That is ten fantastic days we had with her. And the last time she was here we had her do a lesbian show and that was with HaileyDream and they both ... Read Morewent wild sucking and licking and playing with each other. The girls really got us hard with their cunnilingus. But we have had Vika here many times as a solo act and we love her and her cute tits. She’s such a sexy lady and so classy and we love what she chooses to wear in our shoots as she always looks like a girl we would see in some cafe with friends having a lovely afternoon. We imagine her getting up from her table and going to the restroom and passing our table and watching her long sexy legs and sweet tiny figure and then imagining she stopped and leaned over and pulled our cock out of our pants and got down on her knees and started sucking. We would of course reach our hand down between her legs and stroke her pussy and slip a finger under her panties so we could feel that wet spot and dig deep inside her and enjoy that hot fuck hole of hers. Well, that is our dream. So lucky none of us have to meet Vika in some imaginary dream and we can have her right here in our own studio and watch her pull out a vibrator and got to work on her own pussy to get off. What a hot slice of shaved pussy she has. We would die to get a piece of her pink hot lips and suck on them all afternoon. Go see the whole video and enjoy her sweet pussy.
- 17:19
- November 01st, 2022
- 103
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