Vika Lita hops in the shower to masturbate her pretty pussy

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Say it with me, Vika Lita has the most suckable tits ever! We love her tits and we are not afraid to say it. We just want her tits in our faces for the rest of our lives. We have had a lot of hot s... Read Moreexy women in our studio over time and there have been some real stunners and most girls have something special about them that sticks out. And for us, we belive that besides being lean and tall, five feet ten inches, Vika Lita has something else that sets her apart. Her hot fucking tits! They are not big. They are not what most people would think are typically the greatest tits. But these tits are perfect for her frame. They stand straight up. Those nipples would poke you in the face if she sat in your lap facing you. Imagine her sitting in your lap, and she pulls down her top and of course she is not wearing a bra. And then she leans in just a bit and her tits are being smashed into your face. You want to open your mouth but she tells you to keep it closed as she rubs her nipple all over your face. Her nipple is on your lips and you want to lick it but don’t dare as Vika told you to keep your dirty mouth closed while she reached down and started to finger her clit while her nipple slid around and up and down on your face. That is our dream too. But today we will have to settle for Vika Lita in the shower masturbating for us.
- 17:26
- June 28th, 2022
- 106
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