Violet Rain interview

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Violet Rain is a girl that you can’t have enough of! She is shy, but this only makes her even more adorable. Her voice is as sweet as she is, and, to convince yourself, we invite you to watch... Read More this interview of Violet. We promise you will totally love it and you will see this girl as a rain in a hot day. Violet talks about how she got into this business and about the jobs she had before becoming a porn model. This doll describes her personality and she talks about what she loves the most about her job. Her sexual orientation, if she has ever had a girlfriend or if she would like to have one are also approached subjects. Violet lets us know about what kinds of action she performs, about the biggest struggle regarding her career and what passions she has beside the adult industry. She has crazy or funny sex story to share with us and she tells us where she can be found on the social media pages. The most memorable moments in Violet’s career and her plans for the next 5 years are shared with us, too. In the end, this cupcake talks about the things that she would like the people know about her. It is such a huge pleasure to listen to Violet, don’t you think?
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