Alice Paradise and Pussy Juicy get naked and finger each others ass

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For the first time together we bring you Miss Alice Paradise and Pussy Juicy. We love us some lesbian fucking and all the better when it involves some of the sexiest models we have in our stable. B... Read Moreoth of these hot Russians have been in the studios before but they have never been together with another model. So we decided to bring them together and see how they looked. Usually we like to have a blonde and brunette together. But these two were both kinda dirty blondes or kinda brunettes too. But that is a small issue as all we really care about is making sure that these two get along and hit it off and have some chemistry when they get together. We proposed the idea to them and they thought it would be fun; They were not wrong about it being very fun for all involved which included the office staff here at Baberotica. We set up a date and had them come in and get hair and make up done and then we let them choose bra and panties for each other. We wanted them to decide what they wanted to see each other in. We did and they choose right as they both looked great in their bra and panties. These two did a lot of play and teasing and getting ready as they took off their clothes but kept their bra and panties on. We were happy about that as Alice looked great in her black lingerie and Pussy looked great in her teddy. Go see what they did once they were both naked! A fun surprise is the anal plugs.
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