Jessica Wild and Lina have butt plugs buried deep in their hot asses

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Jessica Wild and Lina are dressed all in black today. They both look sexy hot and we are here for whatever these two hot Russians want to do. We just want to be in the room when they are. The whole... Read More staff does as everyone is there helping with lights and sound and cameras. We all know what is going to happen and have to be there to see it! These two are on a bed and they are all over each other right from the beginning. We don’t have to wait a minute before they start to pull each other’s clothes off. Lina is the first to lose her shorts. Jessica has her turned around and pulls her shorts off and shows us how sweet that Lina ass is. She has that thonged ass pointing at the camera so we can admire it as well. Now Lina is hungry and she is going to get some as well as she takes control and pulls Jessica in close and grabs her shorts and pulls them off and turns her around and starts to spank that hot white ass of hers. She is wearing some sexy panties as well that show off her hot ass. But we spy something under her panties and we are not sure what it is at first. But now we see clearly, and both of these girls have butt plugs in! Oh fuck they came prepared! No wonder they were so excited and stimulated right off the bat. These two hotties are amazing and the whole show is worth watching and rewatching! Go see it now!
- 25:04
- May 25th, 2023
- 117
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