Amazing model from Ukraine Miss Anita Blanche has big pink pussy lips

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Anita Blanche is sexy hot and is our new model from Ukraine. She is very tall as she is five feet ten inches tall. We love these tall East Europeans as they are so fun to stand next to as their tit... Read Mores hit you right in the face. At that level you can not be blamed for staring at their tits as they are literally at your eye level when you talk to them. The great thing about sexy Anita is not only that she is super tall but she is also not shy to show off that figure of hers. This girl has some amazing legs! We could see ourselves sitting at her feet looking up her skirt and wrapping ourselves around them and just holding on forever. This is the sexy hot we are in love with. Can you picture yourself sitting on the floor next to her looking up her short skirt all the way up those legs to her hot ass? Anita starts off the day in a short dress that shows off those legs and her sexy tight figure. She quickly looses the dress and then shows us how she likes to pull those panties up tight into her pussy. She must be horny as the panties get wet and her pussy must be ready to be fingered as she pulls them off and shows us her big fat juicy pussy lips. What a great time to be alive! Give us more of this angel!
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