Ukrainian models Sofia and Laura Moore get naked in lesbian fuck show

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Two hot Ukrainian models in our studio today! We welcome back Miss Sofia and Miss Laura Moore. We had Sofia and Laura Moore in before as a couple. We had a sexy lesbian show with them and never had... Read More them as singles. We had just the best time watching them together last time that we wanted to try that again and see how it would be to try it again, and we had such a nice response from our members last time that we thought it would be a nice treat to have them together again. These Ukrainian models are so hot and these two are very spicy. We think they could not be more different from each other as well. We have the slim dark European looking Sofia who could pass for Latin and the blonde bigger full bodied model Laura that is more German. We enjoy the contrast and they really seem to like getting together as well and tasting another kind of hot woman. They start off on the sofa just playing and kissing. Sofia is the first to get her top off and Laura goes right for the tits rubbing and playing with them. Laura is next to get her top off as Sofia seems eager to help her as Laura starts to undress her some more so we can see her panties. Now we have two sexy women in topless showing off their tits and grabbing at each other Fuck, these girls do enjoy getting into each other and we think they forgot the camera is on as they get into it and start their love making! Go watch the full video of their fuck show!
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