Sexy Ukrainian models Sara and Alisa in lesbian fun

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Sexy Ukrainian models Sara and Alisa in lesbian fun shoot. We were so excited to invite Sata and Alisa to shoot with us today. Do you remember that we had them in together before? We had both of th... Read Moreem in for a great lesbian show. We thought they were so great together that we would invite them back. If you remember, Sara is the hot brunette with the tat and big boobs and Alisa is the sexy blonde with very pink pussy. We love this combo of a brunette with a blonde. The two make a lovely coupling and we really enjoy seeing Alisa grab a hold of Sara’s breasts. A hot time was had by the crew as well as each one of us was sure to be in the room helping with the shoot. We started off the shoot with these two dressed up real pretty in some spring dresses. We then fired up the lights and camera and these two just started kissing each other. They didn’t even wait. They can do anything they want when they are stars. Grab each other by the pussy! Yes, they almost tore each other’s dresses off. They were just so hungry to get naked and get into it. Alisa is so thin and has such great tits for her small frame. Sara is larger but she has those really huge tits of hers that fall just prefectly! We love that about her, those tits and the way they fall. Alisa loves them too as she could not keep her hands off of them, and her mouth too! Go see what these two did once they had all their clothes off!
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