Latina angel, lean hot sexy model Miss Sofia Torres shows us her pussy

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We have gone out on a limb at Baberotica and ventured out into other model stables than the one we have from Eastern Europe. We have focused on the sweet pussy that has come from Belarus and Russia... Read More and Czech. We love that hot pussy and the sweet pink these models have between their legs turns us on and our members also really get off on these angles. But here we are again looking for something new for our members to enjoy. Since all of us in the office love not only blondes but sexy brunettes we decided that we could head off to Spain and find someone new to grace our site. We found this sexybabe named Sofia Torres and we fell in love. She had everything we were looking for in a model. She has long dark hair and deep brown eyes. She has a lean figure with long legs that we imagine wrapped around our head as she pushed her pussy into our faces. She has a sweet ass that all we want to do with is touch and caress and lick. Then we get to those tits. They are the kind that stand up and say, ‘Hello’. This is our model, this is our angel, and she is Spanish. She has a sweet smile and a long tongue and suckable earlobs you would love to lick while you lay on top of her pounding away at her sweet tight pussy hole. Sofia is here with us for another afternoon showing us how sweet she is. She is in the sexiest little lingerie showing us her long legs today. She has no bra on, but she lifts that short mini teddy and we see her lace panties and we know we are in for a hot latina sex show.
- 13:45
- January 21st, 2022
- 102
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