Lizi Vogue takes out a muscle massager and masturbates for us

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What a cute name, Lizi Vogue. We love that she has such a cute name and she walks into our studio looking so stunning in a green top and a short black skirt and sexy high heels. She sits right down... Read More on the sofa, reaches down to her sexy feet and takes off those heels. She rubs her legs up and down for us so we get a good idea of what we are working with and then she reaches into her bag to pull out a massager. I guess she is going to massage those tired gams of hers. She turns it on and starts massaging up and down her legs. She is quite series about this massage and then she lifts a leg and runs her lil massager right up her thigh and we can see right up her skirt to her colorful panties. Well this is getting good! Lizi lifts both of her legs and spreads them wide and then takes her machine and decides that it is time to start massaging her pubic area. She has her lil massager working away on her right between her legs on her pussy and we can tell that she is enjoying this as she then decides she needs to take off her top, to massager her pussy?! We are not complaining as she then stands up and loses the skirt too. Lizi has on the most colorful pair of matching bra and panties. Which she quickly takes off for us too! Now it is time to really get into that pussy and she uses her lil machine to go deep into her pussy and massage her clit. She moans and sighs and is enjoying herself as we all watch and of course, we all have rock hard cocks! Lizi spends the whole afternoon naked on the sofa pleasuring herself. That was a fun afternoon. Go watch the full show of sexy Lizi Vogue getting off and be sure the sound is on loud!
- 17:37
- August 16th, 2021
- 95
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