Marie Duval comes in to masturbate for us while we all watch her climax

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So we got a call from Marie Duval and she said she was in town and near our studios. She wanted to know if she could come over and masturbate for us. She said she was horny as fuck, didn’t ha... Read Moreve a lot of time and would bring her own sex toy if we would film her. WTF? Of course the office staff dropped everything and got the studio ready for her arrival. We were all rock hard in anticipation of getting Miss Marie Duval in the studio and all getting to watch her finger fuck, or use a sex toy on her pussy. We were not sure what to do about wardrobe as we didn’t know if she would want to wear her street clothes or not. Then someone reminded us that Marie Duval is always wearing something that says, ‘I’m Down To Fuck.” You remember that term? DTF. Yeah, well that is Miss Marie Duval, she is always looking so good she could get down and fuck just like that. We invited her into the room and asked her what she wanted. She said she was horny and wanted to get off for us and that she would need some props. She said she wanted a couple of our office staff to stand off camera jerking off, playing with their cocks for her so she could be in the mood to get her pussy ready to fuck. She wanted us to see her up close pussy so she asked that we get in close with the camera and just let her masturbate for us. She took her clothes off, watched our office staff start whacking their cocks and then she pulled her panties off and started to play with her pussy. Fuck, so many of us were glad we didn’t call in sick today. What a great fuck show she gave! Go see the whole video.
- 06:08
- June 18th, 2022
- 70
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